Amazon breaks new ground with the launch of #AmazonCart, making it even easier for consumers to add items to their basket whilst reading their Twitter Feed
When was the last time you checked your website on a mobile phone or tablet? Is it winning you business or driving your clients away?
If you have decided that you will do business over the Internet, how do you judge the success of your business?
Traditionally, when you start a company, you begin with a business plan that has growth expectations based on estimated criteria such as the value of your Marketing and the success of your Sales people. This is a globally accepted process that has stood the test of time. If you don’t see the growth expectations that you estimated in your business plan, you can increase the value of your marketing and/or the size of your sales force to improve your growth. That just leaves you with the usual business risk of managing your ROI (Return Of Investment).
Is the understanding of typography and its usage really important in the design of a website today or is this just a throwback to an old paper based society that people harp on about who don’t want to let go of the past. There are many people who understand the importance of typography, unfortunately these days they are, more often, individuals of a certain age – those who grew up when paper had a different value.
There are a very small number of things that you can guarantee will always remain the same – they are the immutable truths of life; you will have to pay taxes, you will die and people will change. Why do I start with this? Because it shows just how closely these things are related.
SEO can really be the bane of your life if you don’t understand what it is all about. You know that it is something you need, primarily because everyone tells you that you need to get it right, but what is right?
There are many things that can be said about what is right and what is wrong in website design. There is no value in going through all of that here and now, partly because of the time it would take to cover it all. However there are some things that I feel sure would be useful to you if you are in charge of a website.
Keeping your website up to date shouldn't be a time consuming or laborious process. With the right content management system you should be able to make changes to your website quickly and easily from wherever you are, whenever you want to as often as you want to. Creating new pages should be as simple as clicking a button and there need not be any restriction around the number of pages you can create.