How to organise your files in SilverStripe
We all know what a pain it can be when you are trying to find the one file you need for tomorrow morning and its lost within the endless sea of documents, images and folders on your desk.
The same is true for your website if you do not keep your files and images organised. Files or images could get lost if they are not labelled correctly or not stored in the correct folder. As you may have found out the hard way, it can be a very tiresome exercise locating them. SilverStripe makes it easy to arrange all your images, files and documents that are needed for your website so that nothing is lost or to hard to find when needed.
To begin organising your files, you will need to login to your SilverStripe dashboard and locate the “files” link, which can be found in the left hand menu. You will then be presented with a list of folders, images and documents that you use throughout your website.
Creating folders and uploading files
Above all your files and folders are three buttons labelled ‘Upload’, ‘Add Folder’ and ‘Sync Files’. We will start by creating a ‘Documents folder’, so click ‘New Folder’.
Depending on what Internet browser you are using this part may vary but it should be roughly the same process. A pop up will appear asking you to name your folder. We will be naming it ‘Documents’ and pressing ‘OK’ to continue. Once it has been saved it will then appear with your files. That’s it; that is how easy it is to create a folder on SilverStripe.
Next we will begin adding documents to our newly created folder. Click the ‘Documents’ folder, or what ever folder you would like to upload to. Remember the buttons at the top of the page that I mentioned before? We will now be using the ‘Upload’ one, so click this green button and it will redirect you to a new page with two options. One option will be a ‘Drag and Drop’ option, or the traditional ‘Choose Files to Upload’.
Again, this may vary depending on what Internet browser you are using. A pop up may appear asking you to select which file you would like to upload. Find your image or document that you wish to upload, then press select. You may have to wait for the upload depending on how large the document or image is, but this should take no longer than a few seconds. If your upload is successful, a green banner will appear below the file saying ‘File Upload Completed!’ if it was unsuccessful to load then the green banner will appear red and a message saying ‘Unable to Upload!’ will show up instead. Files and images won’t upload if the file exceeds your file upload limit. So as long as they are not too big then your uploads should be fine.
If you go back to your new folder, file or image that you have just uploaded they will appear in the dashboard. Now, if for some reason you have uploaded a file or image in the wrong folder you may want to remove it from that location. To do this all you have to do is scroll to the right hand side of the page, next to your file information there should be a small red circle with a white cross inside of it. Click this button and a pop up will appear asking if you would definitely like to delete the file, and a small warning explain that if you click OK that it cannot be undone. Select OK and it will automatically refresh your page and you will be able to see that the file has now gone. This works exactly the same way for a folder, but do keep in mind that any files or images that you have in that folder will also be deleted.
As you can see, SilverStripe makes organising your files very simple to use and makes life a lot easier when everything is neat and tidy!
One last tip
Don’t forget, when naming files and folders to have a naming convention and to use files names that relate to the image and your search engine keywords for that image.
If you would like more information on SilverStripe and would like to speak to one of our experts call us 0845 258 1208 or alternatively fill out our contact form here.